
4 month stats

My baby is 4 months old! I can not believe how fast the time has gone. (I hear it only gets faster...yikes!) We are amazed at all the new things he learns to do and love being around him. He is such a good baby!

Stats: Height 26" (84%) Weight 15 lb 11 oz (65%) Head Circumference 17.1" (79%)

Within the last month Eli...
-rolls from his back to tummy and tummy to back
-is in size 2 diapers
-laughs, coos, "talks", yells
- sleeps from 8 or 9 pm to 5 am (then I feed him & he goes back to sleep until 7 or 8)
-has become a slobbery mess! (but it's pretty cute)
-poops all over his clothes at least once a day (I attribute it to his antibiotics he has been on)
-is finally done with antibiotics (he had to be on two different kinds because he had an abscess on his bottom that was removed)
-chews on everything
-grabs toys and other people's fingers and hair
-definitely knows his momma and daddy
-smiles very easily (a big hit with strangers at the grocery store)
-loves when we lift him in the air and then bring him down
-likes tooting noises (I mean he is a boy, right?)
-takes great naps in his bed- not so much at anyone else's house- we'll work on that
-still is eating well (exclusively nursing at this point)

Piano player?? 
Look at that tummy!

Love his little piggies.

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