
Micah- 4 months

4 months, where have you gone? 

Micah is such a sweet baby. He's pretty easy going and loves to smile. He likes his brother and his brother likes him. Oh, and his parents think he's pretty sweet too. :)

Height: 24.5 inches (20th percentile)
Weight: 14 lb 14 oz (36th percentile)


-has discovered his voice- and my goodness, it is loud! 

-loves to chew on his fingers and if he gets his first 2 fingers or thumb he will suck on them a lot

-really likes his aden & anais blankets and will play with them and chew on them

-will rarely take his paci anymore (I still try to give it to him, but he just doesn't care for it)

-has started to laugh

-eats every 3 hours during the day, but the last few days he's gone as much as 6 hours in between

-sleeps 6-8 hours at night, so he gets up once

-he still sleeps swaddled 

-he will roll to his side but not fully over

-loves to smile and "talk"

-sleeps in his room with his brother sometimes, if he doesn't go to sleep right away we usually end up putting him in the pack-n-play in our room

And for those people that like comparisons, here is Eli at 4 months.