

The Wicherts are on the move- again. It seems like we just moved from Tahlequah back to Kansas, but in reality that has been a year and a half ago. Now, we are uprooting from Newton to move to Salina (an hour straight north of where we are now). Brent just received a full-time job with The EyeDoctors that will start in March. This is something we've been praying about for a long time and it seems that God (in his perfect timing) has orchestrated this change for us. 

This move will not come without heartache. Since we have been here a year and a half we have become more involved in our church and feel like it is our home. The thought of searching for a new church home is absolutely daunting at this point. In fact, I can't let myself get too caught up in thinking about it because it is just too overwhelming. From past experience, we know that God has a new church body for us to serve in, but the thought of starting all over (among all the other changes) is just a lot to take in. 

So we begin the journey of closing one door of our life and opening another. If you would, please join us in prayer as we have a lot to do in the next 6 weeks. Probably the most important one at this point would be to wrap things up with Brent's Wichita office. This will be a bittersweet time, but one we feel God has opened for us. Thank you!


1 Year Stats

Height: 30 1/2 ": 64% (87% at 9 mo.)
Weight: 20lb 1oz: 9% (34% at 9 mo.)
Head: 18.9": 87% (87% at 9 mo.)

So we have a skinny guy on our hands. I blame some of that on him being in the hospital and eating virtually nothing for about a week. We'll work on getting some fat on him. 

Here's some pictures from the last few days.