
Greta- 18 months

Greta turned 18 months and now I am reminded why I do an 18 month update. There's just so much that happens between 1 and 1.5. Greta started walking around 16 months. She went from taking zero steps to taking 10. I wonder if that trend will hold true for her- once she's ready, she will do it! 

She has just a handful of words- bunny (her most prized possession) is "bu" and ball sounds very similar to this. She does say mom and dad- she can distinguish between her siblings and says names for them, but they basically sound all the same. Much to Haddie's delight, hers has been the most distinguishable. Probably her cutest word is "shoes". She really enjoys picking her shoes in the morning now. Oh and how could I forget, we all very much understand her "no"- she almost makes it into a two syllable and I don't know how to phonetically type it out so we'll just have to consult our videos once we read this and don't remember. :) 

She still sucks her left thumb when she's sleeping or if she has her bunny. She is doing pretty well in nursery at church, she usually cries at the initial drop off but then finds her people and bunny. She dances when she hears music and sometimes claps. At Sams Club the other day I noticed she was especially keen on smiling and waving to people who weren't paying her any attention and then those that looked at her and tried to talk to her, she gave them her scowl. 

Her siblings still think shes the best thing ever. Knox is learning how to play with Greta especially now that the big kids are all at school. It is the sweetest. Since they both have their lovies they're pretty attached to, Greta will go get Knox's fox and hand it to him. It's really precious. They have some moments of fighting too, but mostly love. 

Height- 30" (10th percentile)

Weight- 22.4# (30th percentile)

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