
Lana- 1 month

Lana Mae turned one month on Wednesday. I'm not sure where that month went, but we have certainly hit the ground running! She has made a trip to Sabetha, for Tara's Memorial race, and did beautifully on the ride. Eli is home for the summer so our mornings, we usually try to get out and do something and then quiet afternoons in with naps. Lana has a nice little schedule going- and I'm so thankful! She gets up once a night and then eats every 3 hours during the day with a 4 hour stretch in the afternoon for her long nap. So far, it has been a huge blessing that she and Haddie nap at the same time and the boys have some quiet time so mom's brain can rest a little (haha)! Usually she has a fussy time in the evenings, but nothings too harsh. She is really a sweet baby and is greatly loved by her brothers and sister- sometimes a little too much! Mom and Dad are very smitten as well. 😊

 Eli, Micah, and Haddie at 1 month for those that want to compare. We're thinking she favors Eli so far.
Lana's little corner of the room.
At her 2 week appointment she weighed 8# 5.5oz, I think she's close to 10 now. She's already out of NB clothes and diapers!

In her bed. She's only slept her for her morning nap so far, because she and Haddie share a room.

I don't think this one looks anything like her, but it was the only one she had her eyes opened for.

Poor baby. 

Sisters! ❤

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