
Eli is 11

What a fun time we've had this last year with our oldest. He really is such a fun, funny, and kind person. It is weird having a kid grow and change and become part-adult in little bits and spurts. But it also is so much fun to have a front-row seat, most of the time. 

Eli continues to love to be competitive and play just about any sport that can have a score and winner. :) As I'm writing this, Dad and Eli and Micah are playing on the Xbox. Everyday we get an update of recess touchdown stats and scores and the level of fair/unfair teams, etc. He's an avid Dallas Cowboys fan. He is currently in basketball season and told me the other day he thinks its the sport he has the best chance of being good at. I love that he thinks through things that way. It's clearly how God made him. 

He also has a soft heart and we've noticed his compassion and empathy grow as he himself grows. Again, another thing God wove into his being. He doesn't always notice everything around him, but when he does he is good at showing he cares. His siblings probably get to be the recipients of this the most. He isn't a jerk to them. I love that about him. 

Probably the biggest addition/change to Eli from last year is his love of trading cards. It is insane how he has taken to this hobby and knows years of cards by looking at their design or knowing what year was a particular athletes rookie year. He sometimes quizzes Micah on these facts as they're going to sleep. It's a hobby I don't really understand, but I do love that they can do it together and really get a lot of joy out of it. AND it doesn't involve a screen so, win-win. 

He is still an avid reader. I'm currently working through The Wingfeather series. Brent and he read them first and I started reading after they suggested it. Well, he just lapped me making his way past book 2 for the second time. In his class, there are other students that make book suggestions to him and he for them and it's one of my favorite things from the classroom. Speaking of classroom, he'll be in middle school next year! What? Oh and he dressed up like his dad for his 5th grade school picture. 

Eli is also one of our most consistent prayers. He reminds us of people we need to pray for by praying for them every night. He is also fascinated by the missionaries that come through our church and often chooses to sit and listen to their stories instead of running around or going to his own class. And running around the church is literally one of his favorite things. :) 

We just continue to find it a real privilege and blessing to be Eli's parents and pray we are raising him to know who he is in Jesus. 

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