
Greta- 7 months

Greta Jo is 7 months old! I feel like Greta has done a lot of growing up as she's gotten 2 bottom teeth to cut through, is sitting up a lot more solidly, tries to scoot around by pushing off her feet and has started eating more foods. She hasn't gotten on her knees yet so crawling is a little ways off (at least I hope). :) She has kind of turned on pureed foods and prefers foods like puffs, so we may try some little table food soon.

It seems Greta has become a little more of mama's girl this last month. If she's playing in the living room and can't see me she starts to cry. She also loves when her siblings sit and play with her or hold her. Her little bunny seems to help when I'm not there and she does pretty well in nursery. She's been to her first football game and we ended up leaving early (after arriving late) because she was throwing up. It was a weird hour bout and then it passed, so we'll hope that doesn't happen again. 

She's wearing 6m clothes and size 3 diapers. She reminds me a lot of Haddie in the way she looks, but is built a little more solidly like Lana. The girls love to see her wearing clothes they know they wore. It's super sweet. She has been pretty consistently waking up at 5:40 to eat and then back to sleep until 10. Then an afternoon nap from 1-3 or 4 and then down for bed around 7 or 8. She's a dream baby and we love her so much! So far, I'd say her personality is so sweet. 

Eli, Micah, Haddie, Lana, and Knox at 7 months

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