
Greta- 4 months

4 months- a whole third of a year has flown by and our Greta Girl is growing so fast! She continues to be a happy girl most of the time, but especially when someone is talking right to her- which is almost always. She has started laughing and coo-ing. We have so much fun with her. 

She has begun to roll both ways. It doesn't seem like she is really trying to roll, it's more like it happens by accident. She really doesn't enjoy tummy time, but will tolerate it for a time. She LOVES baths- has since day one but I don't believe I've remembered to document it. 

Also, she has begun to suck her thumb. It's always her left thumb (Knox was always his right). She now sleeps in our room in the pack-n-play and is no longer in the bassinet since she's rolling. Also, I just swaddle her body- not her arms. It maybe isn't necessary, but it feels like she knows that it's time to sleep when I put her down that way. She sleeps all night, but Knox is still sleeping in the crib so we'll see when we decide to tackle that. Ha!

We went on some road trips- to cousin Remy's birthday party in Sabetha and to Little Jerusalem north of Scott City. She also has gone to lots of baseball and t-ball games. I should get a picture because she scored her own little fan that hooks on her car seat. She stays very comfortable no matter the weather. :) She also endured two weeks of swimming lessons for her siblings and we went on a family swim. She liked having her feet in the water. 

We love our Greta Jo and love watching her grow up! 

Here's the big siblings at 4 months- Eli, Micah, Haddie, Lana and Knox

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