
Lana is 4

Lana, how on earth did we get to FOUR already?! You are so ready to be in kindergarten, that I wouldn't mind for time to slow down just a little bit. We only have one more school year together every day all day. You bring so much excitement and energy to our family. You're always up for adventure and we love being along for the ride. 


When I think of you, my first thought is that you want to be a part of whatever is going on. Being left out, or feeling like you've been, is your least favorite thing. When you wake up in the morning if other kids are awake before you, you are mad that "they woke up before me". "That's not fair" is a common phrase. But you love your people well and just want to be part of whatever is going on. This summer you are excited to be able to play t-ball and do swimming lessons just like the big kids. 

Your imaginative play is amazing. You can play house with just about anything. And if someONE is available to play, all the better. You often have "ballet practice" but not every day. Some days you don't have to go.

You are no pushover- you often are told to stop yelling at your siblings. You seem to have a very specific idea of what is to go on and want everyone to comply. You can imagine, that doesn't always work so well. 

You are hilarious. You make us laugh and smile all the time and we love to smile and laugh with you. You like to make up words and make silly faces. You also like to color and create things- the more stickers, glue, paint, markers, the better. More is ALWAYS better. :) 

Lana still takes a nap most days, because she likes to. She loves her elephant blanket and in particular, the corners of the blanket. She isn't required to sleep during rest time, but she usually chooses to. That means that at night time, she has a longer time until she falls asleep. She usually comes into our room and tells us she's scared, but her face is smiling and she puts her hands on her face in the most adorable way. She really just wants to hang out. :) 


Lana is a good big AND little sister. Like I said before, she is not a push over with the big kids. But her favorite part of the day is when they get off the bus and she sees them walking down the driveway. She likes to "mom" Knox and Greta and care for them. She's been known to put Greta's paci in her mouth and rock her until she falls back asleep. She's a great helper. 

Lana Mae, we love you so much! We love being both active participants and observers in your life. We can't wait to see what God has for you and pray you grow in your wisdom and love for Him! He loves you so much! 



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