
Greta Jo Wichert

For the glorious name of the Lord is blessed forever and ever. 
From sunrise-brilliance to sunset-beauty, lift up his praise from dawn to dusk! 
Psalm 113:2-3

Greta Jo is here! She was born on February 28th at 2:58pm, 7lb8oz, 19.5". Jo is my middle name and we thought it was fitting for our youngest to share a middle name with me as I'm the youngest in my family too. Also, our birthdays are just a day apart. I also love at the end of Little Women when the professor says "Jo, such a little name for such a girl". Greta is a name Brent and I both loved and decided on pretty early on in pregnancy. 

Birth Story:

We checked in about 7:00am and Dr. Ablard was in about 7:30 and broke my water and IV was started. Because I was group strep b positive, they began antibiotic and decided to wait on pitocin until I had a dose of antibiotic. I was having regular contractions every 2-5 minutes. Around 9:00 I got my epidural. Around that time I was measuring at a 4. They started pitocin around 10 and I could feel my contractions so I know they were pretty strong and regular. Dr. Ablard came back around 12:45 and I had only progressed to a 5. That was surprising to me, since my delivery typically goes quickly. It was then that she determined that baby was face up. So the nurses tried some position methods with me to try to get her to move. The last one they tried worked because she flipped and I went from a 5 to a 10 in 40 minutes. I was at a 10 and they called Dr. Ablard. She was there within minutes and one push later Greta was here! Since she came so fast, her lungs had a lot of fluid. I only held her for a second and then they took her to pump the fluid out of her lungs. After a couple minutes, she was back and crying and looked great. It was then that we noticed all her blonde hair! We were shocked. 

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