
Knox- 10 months

Here we are at 10 months! Can't believe how quickly this last month went. Knox is gearing up to being a big one year old by cutting teeth (the current count is 3), by pulling up on furniture, crawling "traditionally" at times, and getting into everything. He's been so much fun! 

He's still a pretty good sleeper, but teeth cutting always puts that to the test. Generally he sleeps until 9, and then takes a 1-4 nap and in bed by 7-8. He loves to eat! His loudest most shrill squeals (which are just that) come when the food on his tray has disappeared. He's also taken to cows milk just fine and nurses only first thing in the morning and last thing at night. 

Daddy has perfected the church drop off now. Brent puts him in one of the pack-and-plays in the sleeper section of the nursery then when he's good and mad, the nursery volunteer goes and rescues him and then Knox is a happy little guy. His little Fox lovie helps too.

As is documented below, Know has added "SO BIG" to his skill set. He dabbles with "hi" occasionally, but mostly woos the crowd with his sweet babbles and completely swoon-worthy buzzing of lips. It's the absolute cutest thing. 

 Here's siblings Eli, Micah, Haddie and Lana at 10 months. 

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