
Knox- 6 months

Well, I'm a week behind and that is pretty representative of this last month. Whew! What a quick month is was and what growing and developing our boy has done! He is officially rolling from his back to his tummy (finally)- I haven't actually seen him do it live, but in the monitor I've seen him on his back and then later on his tummy. It's funny that he's been so resistant to learning that. He's sitting for about a minute at a time and is rocking a lot on his tummy. He hasn't gotten on his knees yet, so I think we have a little time before crawling, but I'm sure it will be here before we know it. 

Knox is a great sleeper and eater. He has just about devoured any new food he's tried. He sleeps well and does really well with a schedule. He loves his fox lovie and I love that Knox has a Fox. :) 

Knox has also started laughing- really more like squealing- and interacting a lot with his siblings. He grabs hair -eek- but he really just wants you in his face and close enough to chew on. :) We all are having so much fun with him and are thankful he's such a happy guy. He had his first cold and really handled it well. He might be teething- but who really knows that until those little babies pop through. Church nursery is a little hit-or-miss, but hopeful he'll adjust and be nice- haha. :) 

Sisters wanted to get in on the photo shoot too. :) 

Eli, Micah, Haddie, and Lana at 6 months.
His well visit is next week, so I'll update stats then. 

Height- 26" (20th percentile)
Weight- 19lb 13.5oz (95th percentile)

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