
Knox Joshua Wichert

On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand;
all other ground is sinking sand.

8lb 4oz 20.5"

Knox Joshua was born on April 27th at 3:15pm. He was our biggest baby by almost a pound! Several have asked where we came up with the name Knox and to answer is to say, we just liked it! It took us a long time to come up with a name we agreed on. We had several others that we considered. In the end we liked how it sounded with the other kids names, we liked that it had an x in it like Papa Wertenberger, and the night before when we told the kids his name we looked up the meaning and it means the same as Brent's name. Joshua is after my brother Josh who if you've met him, you know why he'd have a kid named after him. He's selfless, always puts others ahead of himself, a hard worker, committed husband (and soon-to-be daddy), he loves Jesus, and serves the youth in his community through his profession (teaching) and through youth work. He really is fabulous, and as tough as it was a times following in his footsteps (because he's practically perfect) it is an honor to be his little sister. We hope and pray that Knox Joshua grows up to be like his Uncle Josh in the way he loves Jesus and others really well. 

 Birth Story: 
We checked in at the hospital about 7:00am. They got my iv started and then my doctor came in and I was dilated to a 2 so she broke my water and around 9 I got my epidural. My birth experience was very similar to that of Micah's. As they upped the pitocin, his heart rate started to go down with my contractions, so they backed off and we took it slower. At around 2:30 my nurse checked and I was at an 8. I knew that it wouldn't take long. Thankfully, the next person I saw walk through the doors was my doctor (she's the BEST). She said "if Cindy's at an 8, it's probably time to push". She was right. 2 big pushes later our sweet big boy was here! He came out covered, quiet, and ready to eat! We noticed his mole behind his right ear and thought he was as big as Lana was. 

 Ready to go meet my brothers and sisters! 

I was sitting beside Eli when I looked over and said "all three of my boys right there!" to which he replied "the three musketeers". 💓


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