
Eli is 8

Time has gotten away from me and I haven't taken the time to sit down and do Eli's 8 year post. 

8 seems like a big number. I guess because Eli's my oldest, his birthdays will always feel that way. 2nd grade feels like a big step into kid-hood too. In the last year Eli has grown in his love for sports and knowledge. He loves to read non-fiction books and is constantly asking me questions of "did you know..." or "you've gotta hear this". In the fall Eli played his first year of soccer and ended the season with a hat trick in the championship game. Neither Brent nor I are avid soccer fans but it was so fun to watch him take to the sport. He also loved watching football this season. The Cowboys are still his favorite team, but he does cheer for the Chiefs too. 

If there's an opportunity for competition, Eli is in. He loves playing board games and athletic things. He also played basketball this winter and compared to last year, he was much more aggressive and into the game. I think he attributes this to playing with his big cousins. 

He also enjoys asking questions like "if you HAD to get bit by something, would you rather it be a shark or a jaguar". I usually try to come up with an answer, but sometimes I tell him that I just don't know. 

He continues to be a good big brother. He occasionally needs a little encouragement but he really does take his role as "biggest brother" very seriously. I sometimes feel bad that he has such a big job with 3 littles and another one soon, but he seems to enjoy it. Funny how God has that all figured out. 

We continue to be amazed with how God is growing and challenging Eli. We are thankful for His provision and care for our boy and trust what He's doing in Eli's life. 

Height: 51"
Weight: 63#

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