Eli does NOT love: eating supper (usually), being praised, using the potty, going to take a nap, saying goodbye to daddy, having to do anything that is different than what he is used to doing
When he sees a picture of someone, he says (for example) "Mommy, es Josh. Just like you, Uncle Josh."
Mommy: "Eli, where are you?" Eli: "I just comin'."
Still calls a Jayhawk a shecalk and still does it in public while pointing at people that are wearing one.
Often gets small and big mixed up and it's so cute. He tries to drive a truck under the couch and it's too big and Eli says "it's just too small".
He calls the color white "wipe" the cart at the store a "carpet" and his step stool an "upstairs".
One day when we were trying to potty train, I had him in a pull up and no pants. He literally went all morning running around the house like this and shortly before nap he lifted up his shirt and looked at me and said "pants go?" (where did my pants go?).
"Daddy, you need shirt?"
I had to wash Eli's blanket that he sleeps with- he calls it his "night night". When it came out of the drier, I gave it to him. He said "Yay night night, you all better?".
Mommy: "Eli, where are you?"
Eli: "I just comin"
Eli to his brother "Micah, don't be cryin." "Micah, momma hold you." (when he's crying) "Hi Micah. I'm Eli and dis Mommy and dis Daddy."
On his play phone "Hello! Oh yes, I think so. Bye."
When he's hiding from me I say "where's Eli" and lately he's been responding "I in Colorado".
Before we had gone to Colorado, Eli was so excited and would constantly say "I go Colorado" and then whine when we hadn't left yet. So I would tell him that we were going to Colorado on Friday. So for the rest of the week (and still) he says "I go Caw-wah-do in Fwy-day".
Mom: "Eli, are you lying to mommy?"
Eli: "No, I not."
Mom: "Eli, there is poop in your diaper, you were lying to mommy. God says we aren't supposed to lie."
Eli: "Mommy, you a puppy? Mommy, you a zebra? Mommy, you a tiger?"
(All this time he thought I was asking him if he was a lion.)
Making a cake for his half birthday together and we put it in the pans. He says "Mommy, I so proud of you!"
Today at lunch he asked for some cheese after I gave him his plate with the food on it. I gave him a little cheese and he said "Nice to meet you" and then started introducing the cheese to the rest of the food on his plate. "This strawberry, applesauce, etc".
Oh firstborn, we love you so much! You are growing up and gaining so much knowledge. You constantly make us laugh. You amaze us at your ability to remember people's names and other general knowledge. You like to do things a certain way and don't really like when your world is shook up. You have become quite the daddy's boy in the last few weeks (and I think Daddy loves it). We continue to pray that God will soften your heart towards him and that you will be used greatly for His kingdom. Love you, little bear.