
Husband-Wife Conversation

This is a rare post that has nothing to do with my adorable son. It is actually a conversation that Brent and I just had. I was folding laundry during the Wichita State game and noticed a few pairs of Brent's underwear that were ready for the rag bag. A little bit later Brent was ripping the elastic off of his rag underwear. I said "are you just doing that for fun"? He said "no I have some shorts that need new elastic". I got a good laugh and if you know Brent, you are laughing right now too. 


  1. First of all, don't waste your time folding underwear, just throw it in the drawer :) Second, make Brent do it himself :) Third, how did you convince him so easily to donate them to the rag bag? I can't get Ben to let go of any of his see through ones!

  2. Oh, don't worry, I will not be repairing his shorts. In fact I think I said, well I hope you know how to do it or your mom is willing to because I will not be. And about the rag bag...when they look really bad and I notice it I just take the hole that I see and make it big enough that he can't wear it anymore. I guess I'm mean like that. I should have mentioned in the post that I did have his permission to tell everyone this story. :)
