
Knox- 7 months

Knox, Knoxer, Knoxie, Bubby is 7 months old! This last month has been so much fun. We have been home much more than we "normally" would be this time of year and it's been so much fun with Knox. He laughs and squeals and rocks on his tummy while kicking his legs when he's excited. He's started saying "dadadada" and his Dada melts into a little puddle every time. :) 

We enjoyed an outdoor and distanced Thanksgiving day in Sabetha this year for Knox's first Thanksgiving. He devoured his pureed sweet 
potato and carrots. 

Eli, Micah, Haddie, and Lana at 7 months. 

Naturally, his sisters got in on the photo shoot as well. They adore him. He likes to show his affection by pulling their hair. :)