
Micah is 10

Well it's 3 months after Micah's birthday so high time I write this. :) 

Micah wrapped up his 4th grade year and ended it well. He played soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, and baseball this summer. He really loves sports and has deepened his love for the Cowboys and trading cards this year. Micah continues to be creative and this Halloween he made his own costume- he was an Emmit Smith rookie card! It was quite a project and he proudly wore it to school. He's a whiz at math and really loves the social aspect of school. He also started guitar and piano lessons this summer and had a solo in his spring concert this year. 

Micah is a helper and likes to see things that need attention and do them on his own. He would much rather do that than be given a job. He's a good helper that way too, but it gives him a lot of joy to do things on his own. He has helped with hay this summer- he's on the verge of being able to buck a bale, but not quite. He can get a couple and can team lift with Eli. But he's also found he can encourage and fill water bottles when we unload the bales in the barn. It's been fun watching him figure out his role. 

I've said it before, but Micah is good at noticing people and understanding or trying to understand them. We really love watching this develop as he grows older- God made him this way and we love seeing it in action. This last year we went to a Rend Collective concert and as they typically do they promoted a ministry- Compassion- and talked about this group of kids who needed sponsors. They asked if you wanted to sponsor a kid and Micah's had shot right up. If his face could have spoke what he was feeling, I think it would have sounded like "why wouldn't we?" So a little girl named Jaralee chose Micah as her sponsor and we get to pray for her and be a small part of her life. It's been very sweet and a good depiction of Micah's heart for people. 

Micah's alopecia areata has cleared up fully. We are thankful for that. Because it is an autoimmune disease, it could make another appearance in Micah's future. We are thankful for the lessons it taught us and are thankful for a reprieve from its affects. 

For his 10th birthday, he, Eli and Dad went to an OKC Thunder game.

Micah Scott, we love you so much. We can't believe you're going into your last year of elementary school! Keep walking with Jesus- you can trust Him. 

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