
Knox is 4

What a kid! Knox is 4, and has been for nearly 3 months so high time for documenting his little personality as best I can. 

Knox shares a room with his little sister now. He's so sweet with her at night and if he gets out of bed and I tell him "Greta needs you", that's usually enough to get him back to his room. He is sweet with her- until he isn't- but really he takes care of her. 

Knox is often in his own little world having his own little conversations. I love watching him when he is doing this. Brent and I usually look at each other like- don't you wonder what's going on in there? He sings a lot and remembers his Bible verses from church really well. He seems to pick up on things very quickly. And when you think he isn't listening, he definitely is. 

It's been no secret that Knox walks to the beat of his own drum. We have been extremely humbled in our parenting with him. Our job is still the same, but our methods have shifted and changed and our pride really has no part in it. That's God's grace, no doubt, but it isn't always fun to fall flat on your face. But the successes are extra sweet with this one. Also, he is incredibly sweet- he compliments and cheers for everyone. It really is something as Knox grows in his communication skills how God really made him to see things Brent and I aren't wired to see- like in a beautiful and slowed down way. 

Knox loves the color red, and blue and purple, and gold, and...you get the picture. He likes to go to the wellness center with Mom. He likes to play Lego, Barbies, trading cards, hot wheels, puzzles, read books, ride his scooter and just be where everyone else is. He has a few chores he helps with and it has been fun to watch him grow in his independence. Just today, he was to pick up his room- I usually have him get started on his own and then see where he needs some guidance or help. Today, I walked in to him making his bed- what a nice surprise. 

He loves to pray and sometimes will just start praying once we've sat down to eat- he thanks God for our house and church and Mabel almost every time he prays. Mabel is his second cousin and just adores her. We're pretty confident he's a lefty- he still sometimes uses his right hand to write. We made him use a left handed glove when he played t-ball this summer. T-ball, did he play? Well not exactly- but he did keep his jersey/shirt on and the last game he played the whole time. I think we may forget to sign up next year, but may try the following year with Greta. 

We only have one more year at home before Knox goes to kindergarten. I anticipate that day to be a tough one for me. I tell people Knox and I have been to war together, so every step forward is because of a battle won and a step forward into enemy territory. I say it with a smile and laugh, but there's some truth to it too. I am confident Knox will be a world changer- no doubt in my mind- i just can't wait to see what God has for him. 

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