
Lana is 6

Oh this girl has grown up so much! She has just finished up kindergarten and will be entering first grade in a few short weeks. I can't believe a whole school year has come and gone. She definitely has grown in some confidence and in skills. She has a variety of friends and cares a lot about them. She even started splitting her two recesses in the day between her athletic friends and her friends that liked to play pretend. I went on her zoo field trip and it was fun to see her hang with some of the boys in her class and run and play rough with them. It also made me realize how much she accommodates/regulates during the school day and why she seems so tired when she gets home. :)

Lana still very much wants to be a part of whatever is going on. It has been fun to be around when she has discovered that she doesn't hate alone time. She sat on the deck a few weeks back and when she came in she declared that she liked it so much. She is the leader of the crew when she plays with Knox and Greta and the follower when she's with the big kids. She and Haddie have a bunk bed now, so that's been a huge hit and they take turns being on the top bunk. 

Lana loves creating anything- she is a really talented artist. She also loves reading and did the sweetest thing- she started reading Little House in the Big Woods, and although i don't think she is reading every word, she does have a book mark to keep her place. She's also very strong and is proud of being a strong and fast girl. She played soccer this spring and t-ball this summer. She also has enjoyed swimming this summer. She's just growing up! She loves playing Barbies and Lego especially with a sibling. Lana also started piano this year and still loves dancing, just not in dance class this year.

Love you so much, Lana Mae! 

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