
Lana is 5

Lana Mae, how did we get to 5 already? You are so excited to be in kindergarten and we are ready to see you bloom there.
Lana loves: deciding what her brain tells her what color is her favorite that day (it changes a lot), playing barbies, playing legos, coloring and drawing and any kind of art project, the corners of her elephant blanket, playing with Haddie (she LOVES her), when Abby comes to play (babysit), swinging, talking about kindergarten, singing, playing house (especially if everyone is the person she assigns), her friends (Frank, Katie, and Mary), she also loves doing "best friend day" where she chooses a sibling to focus her attention and fun with. If a siblings is home sick from school, Lana would say something like "well I guess it's best friends day with Eli today". If it's Eli, for example, she'll ask if he wants to look at sports cards with her. She really just likes being with people and is sweet to know what everyone likes. 
 Lana has BIG feelings- often accompanies with loud reactions. It's fun (sometimes) to walk her through those and see her process. We know from past experience (older kids) that as they grow in their understanding of themselves they also grow in their emotional understanding. She hates hates hates being left out- both the reality of it and the perceived reality. She wants to be in the action. She is pretty absent minded which makes me wonder what she's thinking about. I often have to tell her to pay attention to where her feet are- because she trips, runs into, and falls a fair amount. I just think she's in a dream land- I think it's fun. She goes to extremes pretty easily- in the same meal she will say "this is my favorite food ever, mom" to shortly after saying "actually, I don't like it". I've learned to not take a compliment or criticism too seriously. :) Oh, and my favorite word she says is "airmaplane" (airplane). 
Lana had her tonsils and adenoids removed in January and ear tubes put in. So far, we've noticed she can hear and process much better. We're so thankful we went ahead and had the surgery done as we think her quality of life has improved. 
I don't know that anyone else is more excited for summer than Lana- to have all her siblings home every day. She is looking forward to swimming and nature and lots and lots of playing house. Lana Mae, we love you so! You add a spunk and spice our family needed. You love our family and talk about us all the time. We're excited to see what God has for you in year 6. Love you to pieces. 

Height- 44.5" 
Weight- 45.2 lb

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