
Knox- 9 months


Knox is 9 months and what a month it's been! He is crawling everywhere- or dragging himself everywhere. He has finally cut two teeth on the bottom. And he developed an ear-piercing squeal when he's eating and the food isn't coming fast enough. Truly, ear-piercing. 

I feel like now that he can move around freely, Knox is happier. Not that he was a fussy guy, more like he just likes his independence. We now have a baby gate at the top of our stairs. He seems to be doing better in the nursery on Sundays. At least I can't hear him crying from the stage anymore. :) 

I'd say sleeping and eating are Knox's strongest areas. Ha! He sleeps from 7p-6a, eats, and goes back to sleep until about 9. Then he takes a long afternoon nap. He loves to eat and really hasn't found a table food he doesn't like. He's somewhat transitioning out of baby food. It's still nice to have on hand if we're not home for a meal time. He really seems to know his siblings and enjoy them playing with them. Unfortunately for the girls, he likes to pull hair too. Thankfully, they are quick to forgive since they absolutely adore him. 

Eli, Micah, Haddie, and Lana at 9 months

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