
Knox- 1 month

Knox turned one month on Wednesday. He is a great baby who gets hugs and snuggles ALL through the day. As you can see in a bit, everyone gets a turn and wants him to sleep in their room- that hasn't happened. :) He gets called Knoxy-Foxy, Bubby, and SO ADORABLE (by his biggest sister). 

His temperament seems pretty laid back so far. He is a good sleeper most of the time and tends to take a long afternoon nap which is nice for mom. He usually wakes up once in the night to eat. 

There's not much to report in terms of where we've been and what his firsts are, because we've pretty much stayed home due to covid19. However, we've had special friends and some family come to meet us at our place. We're getting close to venturing out soon as we're hoping to go meet our newest cousin in Sabetha. She and Knox are exactly 4 weeks apart. 

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