
Eli is 7

Photos from the lovely Sara McMillian Photography
The boy who made me a mom is now 7. I can hardly wrap my mind around this fact. He is such a joy to have as a son. When I took treats in to his class at school I could tell that he was tearing up while they were singing to him. A bit later I asked if he was embarrassed because everyone was singing to him and he said "a little, but I'm also sad because you'll be going home soon". He's a home body at his core and he loves being at home with his family. I will take that as long as he lets me! A couple days later after the school event, it was his actual birthday. I had been sick the day before and he was asking me if I thought dad would take he and Micah bowling for his birthday. I said "but won't you miss me?" to which he replied "mom, I am away from you almost every day for 7 hours, I think I'll be okay". He doesn't struggle with truthfulness often, sometimes he needs a little guidance on when to administer truth and when to keep his mouth quiet. :) I guess we all need a little help with that.
During family photos, he couldn't contain himself with a climbing opportunity. 

Such a wonderful big brother.
Eli has become an avid reader this year. I always thought I would read series or books prior to my kids to make sure the content was ok for their maturity level. Quite frankly, I can't keep up! Although he would still choose screen time over reading, when he knows screen time isn't an option he is often curled up on the couch reading. He still likes to build LEGOs and this has become an activity he and Micah enjoy doing together. He also enjoys doing math facts in his head. It's a fun game we play while in the car. He really does blow me away with the way his brain is wired. As the weather has gotten colder and the evenings darker, we have been playing more games and his current favorite is Settlers of Catan but he usually has to do quite a bit of begging for mom to play (it requires 3 players and dad also loves the game). He still loves puzzles and mom has come around to putting them together with him. :) 

Another climb opportunity. :) 

Every time I see this one it makes me giggle. Can't you just hear the photographer saying "tilt your head, a little more, a little more". :) 
We love how Eli has been growing and listening to the Holy Spirit. He has started displaying a deeper heart understanding of who Jesus is in his life. We pray this continues to grow and transform him into the Eli that God is making him into. We love watching this transformation and pray we might get to see it continue to grow and deepen. We love our boy and the way God is growing him. 

Eli at birth, 1 & 1stats, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Height: 49.25" (50th percentile)
Weight: 51 lb (50th percentile)
Playing with Uncle Eric

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