
20 Months

Eli is 20 months today and I just can't believe that in 4 short months, our baby will be 2. In the last month his independence has made its appearance. Oh boy! Particularly in the last couple weeks he has been a real bear. When I ask him to do something and he doesn't want to, he will get a scowl on his face, shake his head no, and hit his face and head. I am thinking that maybe his 2 year molars might be making their appearance, or maybe I'm just hoping that's the reason for his behavior. He definitely has his sweet moments too and will give kisses and says "hi" while waving and giving the biggest grin. Whenever I pick him from from the Y kids gym, he puts down the toy he's playing with, smiles, and runs to me while saying bye to the workers there. He loves puppies- whenever he sees one on a tv commercial, he stops whatever he is doing, points, laughs, and says "puppy" in a high pitched delighted voice. And whenever he gets to see one in real life, he is especially happy. He likes to be outside and watch the cars and trucks that go by. He now knows the difference between a car and a truck. Eli will dance when he hears music- it's a gentle bounce with a head nod- so adorable! He has become more clingy and a momma's boy this last month, which is nice and a bit challenging at times, but at least I know he loves me! We sure do love our little bear! 

Eating corn on the cob from mommy's garden!

...and loving it!

"Helping" mommy unload the dishwasher. Don't mind the mark on his head, it's just Sharpie marker. 

20 months today and messy messy messy! 

Bath-time after a messy supper. 

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