
Haircut Oops

Details about hair cut at the bottom...

Eli turned 19 months last week. He is becoming more of a toddler and less and less baby. Makes mommy sad. He likes to do whatever other people are doing- he will repeat almost anything he hears and likes to imitate whatever mom and dad are doing. He has started crossing his arms a lot and continues to like to look at books and play outside. 

Eli and his friend Kinsley at Daddy's 10 year high school class reunion.

Such a boy- covered in sand.

Mommy might have teared up with the first swipe of the clippers. This isn't his first hair cut, but it was the first big one and mommy had no intentions to cut it this short. He looks bald because his hair is so light. I can't quite decide if it makes him look older or younger because in some ways a buzz cut makes him look older, but he looks like a baby because he's bald. It'll grow, right? Oh, yeah and he's sitting on the potty. We're just getting acquainted.

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