Knox is a great sleeper and eater. He has just about devoured any new food he's tried. He sleeps well and does really well with a schedule. He loves his fox lovie and I love that Knox has a Fox. :)
Knox has also started laughing- really more like squealing- and interacting a lot with his siblings. He grabs hair -eek- but he really just wants you in his face and close enough to chew on. :) We all are having so much fun with him and are thankful he's such a happy guy. He had his first cold and really handled it well. He might be teething- but who really knows that until those little babies pop through. Church nursery is a little hit-or-miss, but hopeful he'll adjust and be nice- haha. :)
Sisters wanted to get in on the photo shoot too. :)
His well visit is next week, so I'll update stats then.
Height- 26" (20th percentile)
Weight- 19lb 13.5oz (95th percentile)