
6 month stats

Height: 28.4" 95% (84% at 4 months)
Weight: 17lb 14oz 54% (65% at 4 months)
Head: 17.8" 85% (79% at 4 months)

Eli had a good report today. I told Doc that his bump had returned slightly at times, but it was always gone by the next day. I asked him if cloth diapers could have anything to do with that- because it seemed that every time I would go back to cloth his bump would return. He said that since his scar isn't completely healed, the extra moisture caused by cloth could be causing it to come back. He said to use disposable for the next month and give the cloth diapers one more try- if it comes back, just nix them all together. 

Also, I plan to start some veggies this week- so stay tuned for that. :)

Shots today- but still pretty happy! At least his band aids are from Looney Tunes.


Husband-Wife Conversation (take 2)

The last time I did a post on a conversation between Brent and I it was a big hit. People who know Brent got such a laugh and I did too, so I thought I would try it again. I should have mentioned last time that I do have his permission to share.

Last week I went through our shared closet and took out everything that I thought we needed to get rid of. It was all in a pile. I told him he could go through it before I took it to the Etcetera Shop. At first he said that he would just trust me, but I pushed him to look (mainly because I knew it would be funny). After looking at a few things and trying to convince himself he needed it (like his 7th grade basketball jersey) he came across a pair of jeans.

Brent: "THESE jeans?!"

Cindy: "Um, yes THOSE jeans."

Let me add in here that THESE jeans are carpenter style- they have weird pockets all over and a handle for a hammer. They have red accent tags in random places and never had I EVER seen him wear them. When I came across them in the closet it was the first I had ever even seen them.

Back to the story...

Brent: "But I was going to lose weight and wear those again."

Bahahahahahahahaha- I laughed so hard and said..."I'm definitely going to blog about this."

So once again, if you know Brent I'm sure you had a good laugh too.


6 months

It feels like I just posted Eli's 5 month pictures. He is so much fun that time just flies by. We love him so much.

In the last month Eli...

-has not been on antibiotics once. This is big for him as he has been on and off antibiotics since February. We keep praying that the bump is gone for good. 

-is sitting up much better. If I leave the boppy pillow around him he can sit up for quite some time.

-eats rice cereal around supper time and nurses exclusively for the rest of the time. We will probably start some veggies soon.

-is sleeping pretty well. He usually sleeps until 6ish, then I feed him and then he'll sleep until around 9. Occasionally he wakes up at 3, but most of the time not. Then he takes 2-3 naps during the day. 

-had a tooth come through two days ago! Eli had been pretty fussy for about a week and I was pretty convinced that this time he really was teething. His bottom/front/right tooth came through and he is acting much better. I guess we have started down the teething path.

-had a few play dates with his friend Grace.

-went to water babies swimming lessons. It was 4 days for 30 minutes and he liked it most of the time. He went under water twice. Mommy didn't like that too much, but the instructor seemed to think that it was okay. 

-went to his first (of probably many) state track meets.

-experienced his first (of probably many) wheat harvests in Buhler.

It was a little too bright outside.

Since he has started teething, he bites on his lip (like this picture shows) a lot.

Happy boy!


Happy Father's Day

Today is Brent's first Father's Day as a daddy. He is such a great one and I am so thankful that God has given him to me and that he is Eli's daddy. Love those two so much. 

I'm also thankful for my daddy. He is one of my very best friends. We like to talk on the phone (since we don't see each other in person often enough) and it seems that when we call for just one thing it can turn into a 30 minute conversation pretty easily. I love him so much! 

So to my daddy and my son's daddy- Happy Father's Day. You will probably never know how much you mean to me and how much I am thankful to God for both of you.



Wheat Harvest

On Tuesday we went to Buhler so Eli could experience his first wheat harvest. We all rode in the combine for one load. He wasn't exactly thrilled, but there was enough noise and stuff going on that he didn't cry either. 

Waiting for the combine to come in.

Eli with his daddy and Grandpa Wichert

First ride in the combine.

Riding with Daddy

In the wheat truck

He sure loves his daddy- and to be lifted in the air. 


Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Eli has been rolling for quite awhile now, but until this clip I wasn't able to get it on video. He rolled from his back to tummy the day before he turned 3 months. He rolled from tummy to back on Easter. This video is from April 17th- I couldn't get it to upload on blogger so I had to use youtube. Hope you enjoy the little surprise in between back-to-tummy and tummy-to-back.