
2 Month Stats

Thanks to Naomi's mom (Cassy) for making and sending this little dandy in the mail. We LOVE it!!!

Height: 24" 84th percentile (he was 56th percentile at his 2 week appt)
Weight: 12 lbs 7 oz 65th percentile (he was 23rd percentile at 2 weeks)
Head circumference: 16.1" 71st percentile (he was 65th percentile at 2 weeks)

So he is growing leaps and bounds. He continues to be a happy baby and has a pretty good schedule down. He had to get his 2 months shots yesterday at his appointment so he had a rough evening but slept normally at night and is acting fine today. 

After shots...at least they gave him cute Bugs Bunny bandaids. :)


2 Months

Eli is 2 months old today. I can not believe how fast the time has flown. We love him more every day. 

In the last month Eli has...
-started wearing cloth diapers when we're at home
-started "talking" with mommy and daddy
-smiles a lot more consistently
-has a lot more control of his head
-goes about 3 hours between feedings during the day
-goes 3-5 hours between feedings at night
-wears 0-3 month and 3 month clothing (what's the difference between the 2 anyway?)
-gone to several basketball games (he is half Wertenberger after all)
-had a baby dedication at church with his whole family in attendance 


Eli's Baby Dedication

Last Sunday we had Eli's baby dedication at church. For those of you who are unfamiliar with a "baby dedication" it is a public statement by Brent and I saying that we are going to do our best to raise Eli the way God wants us too. The dedication in no way has any bearing on Eli's eternal security although we pray that the way we raise him will help lead him to Christ. It also is a request to the other people in attendance to be praying for us as we go on this journey. The Wertenbergers and Wicherts were all there. It was so wonderful to have them all there to share in the moment and for them to know they have a vital part in Eli's upbringing too. Brent and I are so blessed to have such wonderful families.

Go Jayhawks!

Today Brent and my brothers all went to the KU game. So Eli dressed accordingly. 






I just knew they were going to win. :)


Eli's Newborn Pics

Thanks to Aunt Rachelle for volunteering to take Eli's newborn pictures. He was 11 days old when these were taken.